Hornchurch Academy Trust

School Policies

Please note paper copies of policies or other information contained on the website are available from the school office.

Please see our school policies below.

Additional MAT wide policies can be found by visiting https://www.hornchurchacademy.org.uk/



School Policies  
Admissions Policy 2023-24 Download
Admissions Policy 2024-25 Download
Attendance Policy 2023-24 Download
Behaviour Policy 2023 - 2024 Download
Child Left at School Policy 2022 23 Download
Child Missing in Education Policy 2022-2023 Download
Complaint Form Download
Complaints Policy 2023 - 2024 Download
Data Breach Policy Sept 2022 Download
Educational Visits Policy 2023 - 2024 Download
HAT Anti-Bullying Statement Download
HAT AUP Policy 2023 24.docx Download
HAT Equality Policy 2023 24.docx Download
HAT Exclusion Policy 2022 23 Download
HAT Feedback and Marking Policy 2023 24.docx Download
HAT Online Safety Policy 2023 24.doc Download
HAT Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-2024 Download
HAT Pupil Privacy Notice 2022 Download
HAT RE Policy Download
HAT RSE Policy Download
HAT Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - January 2024 Update (2023-2024) Download
HAT Searching Screening & Confiscation Policy 2022 23 Download
HAT Social Media Policy Sept 2021 1 Download
HAT Whistleblowing Policy Download
Health & Safety Policy Download
Home Learning Policy Download
Home School Agreement Download
Hornchurch Academy Trust Curriculum Policy Download
Hornchurch Academy Trust Curriculum Strategy Download
Managing Unreasonable Complaints 2023 - 2024 Download
MAT Safer Recruitment Policy 1 Download
MAT Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy Download
OPAL Play Policy Download
Teaching and Learning Policy 2023.docx Download
Uniform Policy September 2022 Download
Whybridge Anti Bullying Policy 2023 2024 Download
WJS H&S Policy 2022-23 Download